Friday 3 February 2012


So i am about to begin the first task, after getting slightly carried away reading other peoples versions of what they have done with the task. I have noticed a lot of people have posted there current cv's up for criticism and improvement. so i have done the same on the link below,(i have just uploaded the main body of information on my cv leaving out my pictures and personal details) because personally i feel a c.v is not a thing people update often if they can help it. (well i don't anyway) sometimes i feel it can be a daunting task, and i kind of have the mentality of 'if its not broke don't fix it' however on a lot of occasions it may not necessarily be 'broke' but there is definatley room for improvement. Which is the case with mine as you can see its not very detailed just straight to the point listing my credits, which for a performance cv i personally think is key, as at an audition the employers don't want to leaf through an essay of writting to find out what job you had last! however i am now wanting to go more into teaching work so my question to you is how do i go about changing my cv to make it geared more towards teaching jobs ect. any criticisms would be much appreciated!

When starting my blog i did enter a very small amount of information about myself as my profile, having read over it (and it only being afew sentences long) i feel i need to spend some more time sorting it out, im hoping with me uploading my cv people can see what credits i have and the direction i am now trying to go in with my work, that the comments i will 'hopefully' recieve back, will help me to plan out my new profile in a way that reflects what i have done and where i am now looking to go.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Steph, Your profile reads well & explains exactly what your background is and where you are heading (or the direction that you are thinking of heading). With regards to C.Vs, I absolutely agree with you that when you are going to auditions as a professional, your C.V only really needs to include your credits & the companies you have worked for. However, now that you find yourself seeking work as a teacher I would perhaps suggest changing the order, with your teaching experience at the top and your performance history following. My reason for this, is that your employer would proabably like to see the relative experience first, followed by your previous jobs. Touching on what you said about not changing you C.V much; again for teaching purposes, I would say that updating your C.V is incredibly important. It may be worth thinking about adapting and changing your C.V to suit each post that you apply for. These are only thoughts and opinions though, that I have learnt from others and by my experience of applying for various jobs along the way..!
    I too, have always been someone who said "If it's not broken, don't fix it", but I am becoming more and more open to adapting continuously with my ever-evolving career and what clients & employees are looking for, rather than saying "this is me, this is what I do", I approach more so with "what is it they are looking for and how do I fit that specification?". I hope this helps Steph! You've made a fab start and I look forward to reading more! :-)
