Monday 26 August 2013

New Start to mod 3

Hello all,

Haven’t blogged in a good while so feel very out of the loop! Had to put my studies on hold for a term but now back to them and looking forward to sharing some ideas with some new people at this stage of the course.

            Im slightly nervous to get back to it as its been afew months sincei had my head in the studying mindset but hopefully I should get back into the flow.

            As you can see in my past blogs I am a dancer and dance teacher and my inquiry question is based around teaching dance to young children around the age of two to five.

            I now plan to refresh my SIG group which I have on linkden

Your thoughts and comments would be much appreciated, and any SIG groups you have that I may be able to give feedback to please comment with the link.

I look forward to getting back to it and sharing ideas with some new people.