Wednesday 19 December 2012

Critical Reflection on Professional Practitioner Inquiry

On reflection I feel that at the beginning of this module I did not grasp the understand of asking questions to receive beneficial answers, as the weeks went on I feel I gained a better knowledge base on this and continued to develop my questions to help me redefine them more and become more focused, I feel,Appendix B a blog post I wrote on Developing my questions shows where I begin to understand the importance of the correct wording for a question and how a simple change of word can have a significant difference. I have kept this piece of information with me as I continued to develop my questions. Another learning point with the development of my questions was making sure I did not create an under lying truth showing my own opinion in the questions, this is something I struggled with right through till the last minute I feel I gained a better understanding of this in Appendix C. though comments made between me and Alun on previous posts.


            When looking at the topic of ethics I found it useful to look at in many different lights or from different peoples perspectives, from the teacher, the boss, the parent ect, everyone has different things they view highly as ethically correct but everyone works around a similar ethical guideline to do the right thing, I feel I fully understood this when I summarized my views in Appendix D and from there understood that to complete my research I had to look into specific ethics involved around research with children as that is what my professional inquiry was going to be based around. 


            On a final reflection of my work these past weeks I feel the tests I did with research tools need to be addressed, having never done anything like this before I was unsure of what to expect but once I had carried out each of the methods I feel I had a better understanding of it, as stated in my blog entry in Appendix E  . Here I talk about what I feel worked well, right from this point I realized that interview would work well for me. I also stated that I felt observation would be off use, but as my questions have developed I realized that that may not be the case as I could make my observations biased by putting in my own opinion.


            In conclusion on reflection I feel I have developed a lot of useful research skills these passed few weeks and that these skills along with ethical guidelines I have now set out for myself will now help to aid me in a well planned out professional inquiry and from which I should gain some valuable information.