Thursday 26 January 2012

Hi everyone,
                   so iv just set up my blog and had a read through the handbook, feel slightly overwhelmed by it all at the moment but im sure once i have read over it and it has sunk in, it will all become a lot clearer. Im not normally a person that posts things on the internet and not that technical! but i've been playing around with this and im sure ill begin to understand it all abit better. Looking forward to getting stuck in with the course and meeting some other people with the same interests.
steph x


  1. Hi Steph,

    If it's any consolation I think we've all felt a little overwhelmed at the prospect of starting this course - there are new aspects for us all, so let's share! :-)
    I appreciate it would be a long journey for you, but are you planning on coming to the Uni at all? - the induction day really helped me. Meeting people on the course, the tutors & getting a feel for what everyone's expectations are etc really helped.
    I hope this helps! :-)

  2. Hello Steph
    I know the feeling! Im on a cruise ship at the moment so trying to read while on the ship then update and read peoples blogs while in Ports.
    I'm not that great with technology but I think you just have to try things out. I found that you can't really go wrong and if you do there is always an edit or delete button!!
    Reading the booklets for a 2nd or even 3rd time for me has helped things sink in.
    Good luck x

  3. hi guys thanks for the comments, glad we're all in the same boat! yes i also had to read over them afew times! but about to make a start now so slowly but surely we'll all get there.Jo- it is abit of a treck down yes but i am hoping to get down for one of the days at least, im starting a uk tour in two weeks, but its not a very intesne one have afew days off each week so im hoping when im down south it might fit in with one of the uni days, fingers crossed anyway. x

  4. Hello,

    I'm in your class too. I love that you used a google doc - very BAPP. I look forward to reading your new profile. I've been blogging like crazy, its like an addiction.

    Hope i get to meet you at uni,

