Wednesday 2 October 2013

Conversation with paula

After speaking to Paula on the phone afew days ago, i feel much more clear and connected to the BAPP world once again. (Even though i am still over the otherside of the world.) I still need to become more connected with my peers as i deffered for a term i now have new peers, So expect some comments in the next few days. I feel i now better understand the path i need to take with my inquiry i feel the dots have now joined up and i can forward my research in a posative way.

Looking back at the first interview i carried out, I can see that i gained some usefull information but it did not really go much below surface level. I would like to carry out a follow up interview with them to talk about their dance background.To find out what inspired them to teach, as the 'why' information (being why they teach) co insides and backs up the 'how' information. I shall blog the follow up interview and my thoughts when compleated.

I would also like to expand my knowledge base further, as my inquiry is based around the age group, two to five ear olds, i would like to have some conversations and discussions with some people that teach this age group within different subjects, to learn and see what methods and teaching styles they use, to see their points of view and if any methods reflect or co-inside with the dance teachers i have spoken to.

I would also like to look at the actual title of my inquiry after speaking to Paula;

'What are the different approaches to teaching dance to two to five year olds and what do teachers say are the best approaches?'

Looking at the word BEST im not sure if it is the right word for my inquiry question, as no one can have a correct response to what is a best approach as what someone thinks it may be someone else could disagree,
Taking the definition of the word best;The most excellent or desirable type of quality.
I was thinking of ways to reword my question so that i have a more clear inquiry.

l What are the different approaches to teaching dance to two to five year olds and what do practitioners feel are the approaches they value the most?
l What are the different approaches to teaching dance to two to five year olds and what do practitioners say are the approaches that work well.

Your thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated.


  1. Hi Steph,
    Looking forward to more interaction with you over the next few weeks. My inquiry is looking at motivation in students (although a lot older) so we might find sharing and discussing our topics together quite helpful.

    I like your thinking about the word 'best,' and the fact that teaching isn't black and white, or right and wrong, but all about trying to find the best way for both teacher and individual student.
    Value is a word I am also finding is becoming increasingly more important in my reading on motivation - although perhaps we are employing slightly different definitions of the word. I like the inclusion of it in your draft title as it suggests, to me, that teachers will take the best ideas/ styles/ methods from theory and create their own 'valued' versions in their professional practice

    I look forward to reading more...


  2. Hi Steph,

    I have added you to our SIG group for dance teachers on facebook so hopefully we can discuss more ideas there. My inquiry is also about teachers' approach to teaching dance but more about if/how they adapt to their students different learning styles and dispositions. I agree with your point that a teacher's background influences your inquiry. I am also questioning whether teachers work the way they do simply because that is how they were taught?

    I think, as Sarah said the word value could be good to use rather than the "best", or perhaps, which do they find most effective? Would you then ask why?

    Will be interesting to find out more about your inquiry and also the literature you have found!

