Monday 23 September 2013

Getting social

So i have began to update my web based presents once again, as you can see i have my blog up and running again and i now intend to access uni pages and find out who i shall be participating in this module with, so that i can get commenting and starting up discussions with my peers.

I have also refreshed my linkden ( my SIG Group) with a new topic of discussion, so please feel free to join me and share your thoughts.

I decided since i was progressing onto anew and final module i wanted to widen my social networking experience. I have my delicious account,linkdin, twitter ect but i want to develop my social networks as much as possible, as i feel from what i have learnt from the other two modules social networking and web 2.0 is the way to advertise and manage yourself as a business for the sector i am working in.

The new social networking site i decided to join is pintrest. I came across this website when i was searching for literature i could review. I am sure many of you know and use it already, however it is new to me. It is where you basically have a virtual pin board where you can pin websites ect that are of interest to you, i intend to use this to pin all the websites i have took research from so i can visible see where i have been and it all be in one place.

Finally i am reaching out to students of the BAPPS course past and present to see if you could help me with my inquiry process. One of the tools i am using isinterview, asyou an see in my blog post below. The part that i am struggling with is getting people to agree to be interviewed. I wonder is anyone else having this problem? I set about with five people in mind that i wanted to interview. Three of these i have contacted by email (As that is the only contact i have) To receive no response from them, which is frustrating as i am sure you all know, as i planned out a time scale of when i would like things to take place and be completed by. However i understand you can't plan for other peoples lives or responses. So i am reaching out to you people on the BAPPS program,I am looking to interview people that teach dance to five year olds and below, or know anyone that does. So that i can carry out an interview,over the phone, skype or even just via email, anything would be much appreciated in the help to further my inquiry.

Thank you and i look forward to collaborating with you all.


  1. Hi Steph,
    I am happy to help out if I can (currently teach 5 and under ballet). Email me at

  2. Hi Steph,

    Now that you are on LinkedIn - Have you found anyone on there who you can contact firstly to introduce yourself and secondly to ask for their assistance? I found LinkedIn really useful for this purpose.

    If you email me your survey / questionnaire I will do my best to get a response from a teacher for you to use. My email address is

    Best Wishes,

  3. Hi Steph, I don't know anyone who can help unfortunately, but I look forward to blogging with you as we come into our final module and hopefully we can both help each other..

    JP :)

  4. Hi Sarah that is great, I'll make a note of your email and send a message over, I'll have a read of your blog in the next few days and give you some feedback.

    Jo good to hear off you again, hope your course was a success! Thank you for the suggestion of linkdin, I will try that route today.

    Hi john good to hear from you I'm sure we will be collaborating soon. I'm still working on a cruiseshipatthe moment but touchdown on UK soil in two weeks so hopefully can become more social then. Look forward to working with you.
