Thursday 11 October 2012

Task 4C

i have began this task so wanted to document it on here so that i could keep up to date with my progress, i work as a freelance dance teacher and performer at the moment so i have i variety of people to develope my questions with i have decided to go with my three main employers at the moment.
person A; runs there own musical theatre school in three different locations.
person B; owns there own dance school with there own studio.
person C; runs there own performing buisness but is also a teacher themselves.

i am awaiting the reply to my topics and there responses ect as obvioulsy people have busy lives and cannot work around my time plan, so witht his question i feel i do need to have a little patience as i am so used to doing the BAPPS work on my own terms it feels a little alien to have the time limit taken out of my hand however this is something i need to learn and become acustom to to develope as a professional.

So for now i have documented the types of people i have began to develope my questions with and shall report back when i have more information.


1 comment:


    1)how relevant is education and qualifications to propelling yourself in the world of dance teaching.
    I feel that it is important to have had training in Dance before becoming a teacher.
    I personally trained professionally from the age of 11 at Ballet School and then performing Arts college from the age of 16 but at that age did not want to teach at the time so did not do my teacher training.

    2) how essential is it to have performance qualifications to run your own dance school?
    I feel that it is a huge bonus to have had performance experience to run a dance school.
    I feel that parents have a respect that you have been in the industry of the dance world and that you can pass on the skills and knowledge to children.
    However, i mainly have teachers working for me and i oversee the business which works for me.
    When looking for a teacher i would prefer them to have had performance experience.

    3) To own a dance school is owning a business should business qualifications be taken into consideration as well or get over ruled by performance ones?
    I feel it is as important to have a good business acumen.
    This can come from life experience and not necessarily qualifications.
    If you didn't have good business skills in these times you wouldn't have any pupils to teach performance. There is a lot of work behind the scenes to promote your school and once you have the pupils you have to keep them and upsell to bring in a higher revenue.

    4) in todays society today should a dance class be geared more towards education and exams or fun based as a hobby?
    In todays world! I am slightly old school on this one.
    I believe that we should work towards something. It might just be a demonstration class at the end of term or Exams or a show.
    I have to say i find children today flit in and out of activities and are allowed to give up at the drop of a hat!!!.
    If you can create an atmosphere that is fun and you are also working towards exams i think you are doing the right thing!

    5)With so much of this year being focused on the olympics and fitness i wanted to question how fitness based and conscious a dance class should be?
    I think within dance we have to be fitness and health conscious to be able to achieve the aims in a dance class.
    Dance is a discipline that goes hand in hand with fitness.
