Monday 26 March 2012

Task 3A. Current networks

Having began to look at the different types of networking I used I began to realize I am not using them to my advantage as a starting out teacher, I still use them more purley for my performance side of my profession, when I now feel I need to tap into them much more from my teaching side of things.
            Below is a diagram of my current networking.

As you can see it is very much one sided leading towards my performance networks I feel I need to look at this and shift the balance more, There are a number of networks I have yet to access into, such as twitter, linkden, and establishing my own website.

            As well as this I feel I need to gear my current networks more towards my teaching work.
For example – facebook I could set up another account just for my teaching work, set up youtube with some of my teaching work shown, change my dancerspro and starnow accounts to be geared more towards teaching work.
            After looking at my networks I have realized people only really access them if they want something out of it. People advertise jobs people look for jobs ect, so I feel my best way forward to get the most out of networking would be to supply up to date and detailed information as much as I can.

            My future plan is to establish myself a website and have that as my main network with everything I would need on one page, however I feel this is the beginning of that so I need to take stepping stones, firstly by doing as previously stated and gearing my current networks more towards my teaching and also accessing the ones that I have not used yet.

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