Friday 15 November 2013


Today i have spent the morning catching up on peoples blogs and taking inspiration from them. The first one i have taken inspiration from is Sarahs Blog

As you can see. I enjoy the way she documents ‘where she currently is and what she has achieved and what she has left to do. I find this useful as it gives you a visual on what you have overcome, the achievements you have made and where you need to go next.

So here is my update.

-i have compleated and wrote up all my interviews.
-Some interviews because of time restrains i was not able to take place so i would like to dcument some thoughts on this and how it affected my artifact.
-i have gathered my literature and information from there.
-i feel further expansion could be done on my literatures.
-my artifact ideas are starting to come forward, as you can see in my Artifact Blog
-i need to break this down to start to develop the idea. 
–will it be photos or pictures involved, how to make it accessible to both parents and teachers. Ect.

Another blog i took inspiration from was Emilys blog

Here i like the way she stated that instead of using the feedback she has had now and re-edit her inquiry, to keep side notes and to edit her inquiry later on as it is an ongoing process. I want to take this information and use it myself. I have flew out to italy to be with my partner for a few days so i really wanted to get the basis, (very basic ) draft down onto paper, before i left so i felt i had achieved something, and compleated a chapter so to speak. Now having done this from reading blogs and continuing into my research whilst i am here i ama ready seeing things that i want to add in and edit or explain and develop things further.So i have decided to keep a seperate document of the things i want to change, add into my inquiry or expand upong, so when i go back to editing and finalising my work i have easy access to the information i want to change.  A first edition of my development doc can be seen here;

Additions, Edits, Explanations

So thanks for the inspiration guys and keep blogging J.

1 comment:

  1. Steph - yes great to talk with you in a brief Skype - developing a feel for you emerging findings and looking at others work - both great to do and relates to the critical thinking that you need to evaluate your process and analyse 1. what people said about practice 2 how that compares to the literature 3. how that compares to and has implications for your practice. Artefact - 2 if for parents and teaching staff as the language would most likely be different - create with visuals and text - what would really stand out - it does not have to be perfect! drawing s of movements or photos of props might be possible.., Come visit my blog - more will be going up this week but look for the criticality in other themes - like the play.
